Alan and Jamie, are residents of British Columbia, Canada, lead a fulfilling life surrounded by their beloved pets. With three cats and a dog, their home is filled with love and joy. As a couple, they are parents to two grown children, who have blessed them with the joy of two beautiful grandchildren. Alan is deeply committed to his spiritual journey, actively participating, pray, reading and studying God's Word, as well in street evangelism and discipleship. His main focus lies in prayer, study, evangelism, discipleship, and leadership. Above all, spending quality time with God through studying His word and fervent prayer holds the utmost importance in Alan's life. His unwavering dedication to his faith is inspiring and serves as a guiding light for those around him.

My Life

Alan has dedicated himself to serving in various ministries ever since his conversion for the past 52 years. His educational background includes a diploma from Canadian Baptist College in Saskatoon, a B.A. from the University of Saskatchewan, an M. Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (now known as Gateway Seminary), and a certificate of spiritual formation from the Avila Institute. Currently, Alan is actively involved in street evangelism with the Fellowship of Christian Farmers Canada. In addition to his evangelistic efforts, he prioritizes spending quality time in prayer, engaging in Bible study, and reading Christian literature, including Theology both academic and Spiritual Theology. Alan's commitment to ministry and his continuous spiritual growth make him a valuable asset to the Christian community.
Alan was involved in University ministries, was a youth minister and a senior pastor. He has one unit of Clinical Pastoral Experience in a hospital setting and formerly held the Clinical Counselor designation in BC Canada. HIs focus now is more towards Christian formation, spiritual direction coaching, mentoring and evangelism.

Education and Experience

My Journey to Jesus
hands painting
hands painting

Life in Christ

Alan's Ministry

Join Alan as he explores his life now, rooted in faith and love for Jesus Christ. Gain insight into his ministry work and the impact he is making in the world and that we can make together.

landscape photography of person's hand in front of sun
landscape photography of person's hand in front of sun

As many, I was searching for what is the ultimate truth and purpose of life. Through the inspiration of some Christian people I began to read the Bible starting in Genesis and read a few pages every day. Through the process God guided my thinking and understanding. When I was almost through the whole Bible in my reading a friend came and shared with me how he came to Christ and the difference in his life was obvious. One Sunday I went to church with him and the visiting evangelist gave a gospel presentation and asked those who wanted to receive Christ as Savior to come to the front and pray with him to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. I went to the front and prayed the sinner's prayer and God flooded me with HIs love, presence and grace . I wept at the beauty and depth of His love and His forgiving grace and love. He forgave me and cleansed me and gave me His peace, joy and strength. He bore my death penalty for my sin on the cross and exchanged His death that I might have life. He gives us spiritual life which is abundant life and eternal life to come in heaven. He also freed me from the power of sin even to the depths of heart, although it is progressive freedom until I enter heaven. It was over 52 years ago that this happened and I have been growing in Christ and enjoying God since that time and life is so much better living in the truth and knowing and loving God, which is the ultimate purpose is life. Before coming to Christ i was involved in the Hippie culture of the time.

It was not that I was good that I Christ chose me and I chose Christ. It is only because God and His goodness and it is all of His grace. It is a powerful work of God from beginning to end. As God's word says in the Bible, "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2) Let me encourage to seek the Lord. God has revealed Himself in HIs Word the Bible. Begin reading the Bible everyday and ask God to guide you.

God is deeply passionate about three things. First and foremost, He is passionate about His own glory. His glory is not a selfish pursuit, but rather a reflection of His goodness and perfection. When God's glory is revealed, it ultimately leads to our own good and well-being. It is in seeking and acknowledging His glory that we find true fulfillment and purpose. Instead of chasing after our own desires and ambitions, we should prioritize seeking God's glory above all else. By doing so, we align ourselves with His perfect plan for our lives and experience the abundant blessings that come from living in harmony with His will. Let us strive to prioritize His glory and trust that in doing so, our own good will be fulfilled as well. (Ephesians 3:19)

God is also very passionate about people and deeply cares and love them, and is especially concerned for those who are destined for an eternity separated from God and everything that is good, unless they repent and have faith in Jesus Christ. He says in HIs word that God is "not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). God desires all to be saved and to come to abundant and eternal life, but He will not force people into His kingdom. No one is forced into heaven or a love relationship with the living God.

God also is especially passionate of HIs elect people the church. Similar to a loving parent that treasures their children God especially cares for His own. It says in the Bible that Jesus is head of HIs church, His people. (Ephesians 4:15) They are the elect, fully adopted. in and through Jesus Christ into the family of God. God wants us to walk in HIs fulness and His best. This happens as we willing align with Him. It also occurs as we spend time with God in HIs word and prayer and service and make much room for God in our life. God wants to transform our heart, mind, will and strengthen us, in His perfect goodness and love. Pray that God would give you a passion for His fulness of life which is a passion for Him and passion to serve Him in love. We are called to build one another up in Christ and Christlikeness. As the Apostle Paul stated, "My little children, for whom I am in anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you" (Galatians 3:19). We make a covenant with God and a covenant with one another to use our gifts and abilities to add to each others life in Christ to become more and more Christlike.

My ministry revolves around these three passions of God.