Recommended Reading and Study: These are the books that I have read and would recommend. This however, doesn't mean that I agree with everything the author says, of course except for the author the Bible.


These are the Bibles that I primarily recommend although there are other good translation. However, I think these are the best. --- English Standard Bible (ESV) (Study Bible)-- New King James Bible (NKJV) (Application Study Bible and The Study Bible)

Other Good translations of the Bible: -Christian Standard Bible (CSB),-----New International Version(NIV),----New American Standard Bible (NASV),----New Living Translation (NLTV), Revised Standard Version (RSV).

Biblical Reference Resources:-

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible,----Strong's Dictionary of Bible Words,----The New Bible Dictionary,----An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, W.E. Vine,--Charts of Christian Theology & Doctrine, H. Wayne House,----Old Testament Charts, John H. Walton,----Harmony of the Gospels, A.T. Robertson,----Study Bibles-ESV Study Bible, NKJV Study Bible and Application Study Bible.


Systematic Theology:- Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem,--Systematic Theology, Norman L. Geisler;-- Christian Theology, Andrew Harwood, (haven't read yet)

Justification-2 vols. Michael Horton,----Sanctification, Michael Allen,----The Cross and Salvation, Bruce Demarest,----The Cross, Martyn Lloyd-Jones,----Christ the Lord, Michael Horton, Today's Gospel, Authentic or Synthetic, Walter Chantry,-----Todays' Evangelism Earnest C. Reisinger, ----Lord & Christ, Earnest C. Reisinger,-----Lord of the Saved, Kenneth Gentry,----Meet the Puritans, Joel Beeke and Randall J. Pedersen,----Four Views on Eternal Security, edited by J. Matthew Pinson,----Faith Alone, Thomas Schreiner (not yet read),----Roman Catholics and Evangelicals, Norman Geisler,----Saved by Grace, Anthony Hoekema,----Salvation Belongs to the Lord, John Frame,----Jonathan Edwards: A Mini Theology, John H. Gerstner,----Battle for the Bible, Harold Lindsell,----Beyond the Battle For the Bible, J.I. Packer, ----Inerrancy, Norman Geisler,----The Love of God, D.A. Carson,----The Doctrine of Regeneration, Stephen Charnock,----Religious Affections, Jonathan Edwards,----Jonathan Edwards on Revival, Jonathan Edwards, ----The Art of Prophesying, William Perkins,----George Whitfield, Arnold Dallimore,----From Sabbath to Lord's Day, D.A. Carson,----Evangelicals Divided, Iain H. Murray,----The Holy Spirit, Sinclair Ferguson, Showing the Spirit, ! Corinthians 12-14, D.A. Caron,----Spiritual Gifts, Thomas R. Schreiner,----Justification of Faith Alone, various authors including John Gerstner,----In My Place, J.I. Packer,----The Atonement, Leon Morris,----The Cross in the New Testament, Leon Morris,----The Atonement, Leon Morris,----Four Views on Hell, edited by Stanley N. Gundry,----Heaven or Hell, Bill Bright,----Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven, general editor Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson,----Visions of Heaven and Hell, John Bunyan,----Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell----Law and Grace, Alva J. McClain,----Law and Gospel,----Five Views on Law and Gospel, edited by Stanley N. Gundry---- Ernest C. Reisinger----Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism, Iain H. Murray,--Elect in the Son, Robert Shank (Arminian),--The New Chosen People, William H. Klein,---- Offense to Reason, Bernard Ramm,----The History of Christian Doctrine, Louis Berkhof,----Toward an Old Testament Theology, Walter C. Kaiser,----The Judgement Seat of Christ, Rick Howard,---Fighting Satan, Joel Beeke,---Walking With Jesus Through His Word, Dennis E. Johnson,----Covenant Theology, Michael Horton,----Augustine: Religion of the Heart, Dennis E. Groh,----Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be, J. Richard Middleton & Brian J. Walsh----No Place For Truth, David F. Wells----Christianity in Crisis, Hank Hanegraaff----The Mystery of God, Steven D. Boyer, Christopher A. Hall,----No One Like Him, John S. Feinberg.


Saved From What?, R.C. Sproul,----Evangelism and Sovereignty of God, J.I. Packer,----Soul Winner, C.H. Spurgeon,----Compel Them To Come In, Donald Macleod,----The Beginnings: Word and Spirit in Conversion, Paul Helm,----Tactics, Greg Koukl,----How to Win the Culture War, Peter Kreeft,----Everyday Evangelism, Ray Comfort, Hell's Best Kept Secret, Ray Comfort,----The Last Generation, Josh McDowell,----Telling the Truth, Will Metzger,----Questioning Evangelism, Randy Newman,----Advice to Seekers, C.H. Spurgeon,-----Conversational Evangelism, Norman and David Geisler,----The Passion for Souls, Oswald J. Smith.

Discipleship and the Church:-

Training of the Twelve, Alexander Baldwin Bruce (not yet read),----The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman----Center Church, Tim Keller,----Listening to God in Times of Choice, Gordon T. Smith,----,How Then Should We Choose, Douglas S. Huffman,----A Long Obedience, Eugene Peterson,----Christian Beliefs, Wayne Grudem,----101 Best Small-Group Ideas,----The Connecting Church, Randy Frazee,----Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered, James C. Wilhoit,----The Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster, Connecting, Larry Crabb,----What God Thinks When We Fail, Steven C. Roy.

Leadership and Preaching:-

God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will and Evil.